Embroidered Works

The Day Out, 2020
Polaroid photographs with traditional blackwork embroidery
A series of three Polaroid photographs. In the top third of each polaroid there is a faint image of the Henry Moore statue that lives at the entrance of Leeds Art Gallery. The lower section of each polaroid has been embroidered with a traditional blackwork stitch.
The first image, to the left, is stitched with white embroidery thread. There are four rows of a repeating pattern that resemble a forward slash with a small diamond shape on top. The number of strands of embroidery thread increase from the bottom row to the top row.
The second image, in the centre, is stitched with light grey embroidery thread. There is an elaborate repeating pattern made up of vertical, horizontal and diagonal stitches around a diamond shape. The number of strands of embroidery thread increase from the bottom of the stitched section to the top, which gives the impression of a colour gradient.
The third image, to the right, is stitched with dark grey embroidery thread. The repeating pattern resembles a T shape with a diagonal stitch across the top bar. The number of strands of embroidery thread increase from the top of the stitched section to the bottom, which gives the impression of a colour gradient.

The Climb, 2020
Polaroid photographs with traditional blackwork embroidery
A series of three embroidered Polaroid photographs. The photographs were not used in a camera so don’t have any pictures on them, instead there is a blur of grey and white, a vague imprint of the shadows of some blinds that they sat below on a windowsill.
There is a traditional blackwork embroidery pattern stitched down the left hand side of each polaroid. The stitching is done in gradients of grey. On the first photo, the pattern consists of rows of staggered straight lines that give the overall impression of a column of zig zags. On the second photo, the pattern consists of three columns of an eight sided, segmented shape that looks a bit like a wheel with spokes. And on the final photo, the pattern consists of seven rows of short and long diagonal stitches in a column.

The Condor, 2020
Found photograph embroidered with invisible thread
An image of a photograph of a fairground ride called the Condor, taken from below. The photo has been embroidered using invisible thread with a repetitive blackwork pattern than mirrors the shape of the carriages in the ride.